Stone Computers Knowledgebase

How to Install the SLP Helper Multicast to Unicast Proxy to run as a Service

Article ID: 199
Last updated: 20 Apr, 2014
Article ID: 199
Last updated: 20 Apr, 2014
Revision: 16
Views: 9345
Posted: 14 Oct, 2013
by Andrew Sharrad
Updated: 20 Apr, 2014
by Andrew Sharrad


The SLP Unicast to Multicast Proxy workaround is used to enabled Intel RAID Web Console 2 (RWC) / LSI Megaraid Storage Manager (MSM) to communicate with the SMIS management component on ESXi 5.x Host systems.

This Proxy component runs from an Administrative command prompt.

If you require email alerting or constant access to RWC 2 / MSM components, it is necessary to keep this proxy component running. Logging out from from the session that contains the command prompt running the proxy will normally shut it down.

Solution - Install SLP-Helper as a Service

The solution is to run the SLP-Helper as a service using a third party component.

Credit: Credit for the utility to run the SLP Helper utility as a service goes to


  • Download the attached ZIP file (version 0.03, updated 21/4/2014 to update the NSSM component)
  • Extract it to a folder of the Windows Server system that has RWC 2 / LSI MSM installed. For example, extract it to the c:\slp_helper_service folder.
  • As per Troubleshooting Step 9 of the original article, edit the slp_helper.php file with Notepad.
  • Find the line that contains $unicast_ips = array('');
  • Edit the IP address to your ESXi Host. If you need multiple IP Addresses for multiple hosts, separate them by commas. For example $unicast_ips = array('', '');

  • Run install_slp-helper_service.bat with Administrative rights.

  • This will then install the SLP_HELPER service.

  • You will be prompted again to continue, after confirmation of the source directory.

The​ service should be started automatically upon installation.

Remember: You only need one copy of SLP_HELPER running per IP subnet or VLAN. You do not need one per host if all of your hosts are on the same subnet and VLAN. It is recommended to install SLP_HELPER on the machine that is running the Intel RWC 2 / LSI MSM components.

Starting and Stopping the Service

After installing SLP_HELPER, the service should be started automatically. However to check that the service is started, or to start or stop the service manually, follow the instructions below.

  • Open Computer Management, go to Configuration and then Services.
  • Find the service SLP_HELPER in the list of services.
  • Right hand click on it.
  • Left hand click on Start or Stop as needed.


  • Your Intel RWC 2 / LSI MSM should now be able to communicate with the ESXi Hosts. Remember to click on Configure Host and use the option to "Display all the ESXi-CIMOM servers in the network of local server."

  • As a reminder, its also important to set the discovery IP address to be the IP Address of the Windows system running RWC 2 / MSM.


To uninstall the service, use the uninstall_slp-helper_service.bat file. This will stop and remove the service.

Applies to:

  • ESXi 5.x Hosts running Intel / RAID Controllers with LSI MSM or Intel RWC2

This article was:  
Article ID: 199
Last updated: 20 Apr, 2014
Revision: 16
Views: 9345
Posted: 14 Oct, 2013 by Andrew Sharrad
Updated: 20 Apr, 2014 by Andrew Sharrad
Attached files

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