Stone Computers Knowledgebase

How to Fix Missing Reset and Refresh Options in Windows 8

Article ID: 382
Last updated: 02 Dec, 2014
Article ID: 382
Last updated: 02 Dec, 2014
Revision: 4
Views: 6751
Posted: 01 Sep, 2014
by --
Updated: 02 Dec, 2014
by Andrew Sharrad


if you attempt to either factory reset or refresh a machine with Windows 8, in some situations you may find that the options are missing, or you may be prompted for installation media.


This is a software problem where the recovery storage area is marked as disabled. Normally, installation media should not be required to perform a factory reset or refresh as the files are stored in the recovery area of the hard drive.


If the refresh and reset options are missing, you may be able to restore them by following these steps:

  • Open a command prompt as Administrator
  • Type in: ReAgentc /info
  • This will then show the following or similar:

Windows Recovery Environment (RE) and system reset configuration Information:

Windows RE status:         Disabled
Windows RE location:       \\?\GLOBALROOT\device\harddisk0\partition5\Recovery\WindowsRE
Boot Configuration Data (BCD) identifier: cc8ad4e1-dd86-11e1-b32d-0090f5a96a55
Recovery image location:
Recovery image index:      1
Custom image location:
Custom image index:        0

  • If the Windows RE Status shows as Disabled, type ReAgentc /enable to enable it.

REGAENTC.EXE: Operation Successful

  • If this reports successfull you should now be able to use the refresh and reset options.

Applies to:

  • Systems running Windows 8.x except those that boot WIM images, such as the Stone Classmate 3.

This article was:  
Article ID: 382
Last updated: 02 Dec, 2014
Revision: 4
Views: 6751
Posted: 01 Sep, 2014 by --
Updated: 02 Dec, 2014 by Andrew Sharrad
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