Stone Computers Knowledgebase

Windows 10 - No DVD Playback Software Included as Standard

Article ID: 557
Last updated: 08 Apr, 2016
Article ID: 557
Last updated: 08 Apr, 2016
Revision: 3
Views: 1891
Posted: 08 Apr, 2016
by Andrew Sharrad
Updated: 08 Apr, 2016
by Andrew Sharrad

Windows 10 DVD and Blu-Ray playback

Unlike Windows 7, Windows 10 does not include the software support as standard to play movies on DVD discs. If you insert a DVD disc into a Windows 10 machine you likely will not get an Autoplay menu - nothing happens.

To get around this problem, you will need to install additional software which provides support for DVD playback.

Windows DVD Player

Windows DVD Player is available from the Microsoft App Store. You will need to sign into the App Store to be able to download and install this software. This software is currently free if you upgraded from some versions of Windows 7 or Windows 8, or else it is around £12.

VLC Media Player

This third party software is free and will play DVD disks and some unencrypted Blu-Ray disks. Most Blu-Ray films are encrypted and will not play with VLC Media Player.

Download the VLC Media Player from for free. Then when you insert a DVD you will get the Autoplay menu which will give you then option to choose to play the disk with the VLC player.

Blu-Ray Software for Films

If you require Blu-Ray software capable of playing films and other content, please contact your Stone account manager, for pricing on one of our media suites.

Applies to:

  • All systems running Windows 10
This article was:  
Article ID: 557
Last updated: 08 Apr, 2016
Revision: 3
Views: 1891
Posted: 08 Apr, 2016 by Andrew Sharrad
Updated: 08 Apr, 2016 by Andrew Sharrad
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