Stone Computers Knowledgebase

Windows 2008R2 Server Hyper-V wont start - System recently recovered or repaired

Article ID: 129
Last updated: 13 Aug, 2013
Article ID: 129
Last updated: 13 Aug, 2013
Revision: 1
Views: 1384
Posted: 13 Aug, 2013
by Andrew Sharrad
Updated: 13 Aug, 2013
by Andrew Sharrad

Hyper-V Is Not Working after System Recovery


  • System has been recently reinstalled or recovered with a new boot configuration database (BCD) created
  • Hyper-V console reports that virtual machines cannot be started due to virtualisation features not being enabled in the BIOS, or not being enabled in the boot configuration database
  • Event ID 5 is being logged by the Hyper-V Hypervisor in the System Event Log ("auto-launch being disabled in the registry")
  • or Event ID 52 is being logged in the System event log by the Hyper-V Hypervisor: "No-execute (NX) or DEP not enabled in processor xxx (check BIOS settings)"
  • You have checked the BIOS settings and CPU virtualisation features (VT) are enabled


A recovered or created boot configuration database may not have the required settings to enable Hyper-V to run. To verify this, open an administrative command prompt and type in BCDEDIT. Check the boot settings for the "identifier {current}" collection of settings and verify that the settings "nx" and/or "hypervisorlaunchtype" are missing.


From an administrative command prompt, type the following:

BCDEDIT /set nx OptOut

BCDEDIT /sec hypervisorlaunchtype Auto

Reboot the system and then verify that Hyper-V guests can be started.

Verifying that the Settings have been installed

Type in BCDEDIT from an Administrative command prompt and check that the nx and hypervisorlaunchtype settings appear as per the example below.

Note: If CPU Virtualisation features were disabled in the BIOS, and then enabled, the system will need to be physically turned off and then started for the setting to take effect.


Applies to:

  • Stone Server systems running 2008R2 Hyper-V server

This article was:  
Article ID: 129
Last updated: 13 Aug, 2013
Revision: 1
Views: 1384
Posted: 13 Aug, 2013 by Andrew Sharrad
Updated: 13 Aug, 2013 by Andrew Sharrad