Stone Computers Knowledgebase

Streamed HD Video Content fails to Play (Youtube / Vimeo etc) in systems containing the H61M-P31/W8 Motherboard (BOAMOT-443)

Article ID: 106
Last updated: 09 Jul, 2013
Article ID: 106
Last updated: 09 Jul, 2013
Revision: 5
Views: 2775
Posted: 09 Jul, 2013
by Paul Watkins
Updated: 09 Jul, 2013
by Andrew Sharrad


When attempting to view HD video content from streaming sites such as youtube and vimeo, playback begins but is quickly interupted and an error message is displayed in the video window, as below:

"An error occurred. Please try again later."

Affected systems

Systems affected include:

  • Any desktop system containing the MSI H61M-P31 W8 motherboard which does not have headphones or speakers connected to the rear or front facing audio I/O ports.


Root cause of this issue is the Realtek HD Audio device and its associated driver. During HD video playback an audio I/O port check is performed, if no connections are found this error occurs.
The Realtek driver assumes that HD content would only be played with an audio output device (such as speakers or headphones) connected.


  1. Access the Realtek HD Audio Manager control panel by double clicking on its icon in the system tray


  1. Once the Realtek HD Audio Manager control panel opens, click on the settings button in the bottom right corner.


  1. Disable front panel jack detection by putting a tick in the tick in the box against "Disable front panel jack detection". Once the audio device finishes configuring itself you can then close the window.


Reminder: This issue only occurs on systems that do not have speakers or headphones connected. If you experience this issue and you have speakers or headphones connected, check that they are connected and operating properly.

Applies to:

  • Stone Desktop systems containing BOAMOT-443 - the MSI H61M-P31/W8 motherboard.

This article was:  
Article ID: 106
Last updated: 09 Jul, 2013
Revision: 5
Views: 2775
Posted: 09 Jul, 2013 by Paul Watkins
Updated: 09 Jul, 2013 by Andrew Sharrad