CC4 Build Process Error Message: 'Action Exception: Abort on Fail - Action "Check Network Connection"'


During the CC4 computer build process, after using the PXE boot or boot CD, the process fails with the error message 'Action exception: abort on fail - action "Check network connection". The system may also report under "Computer Build - Diagnostic Information", that the driver for the Network adapter is missing.

Causes and Resolutions

There are several possible causes for this problem:

Manually Selecting the Correct Driver


Creating a New Build CD with only the required LAN Driver


Note: This article contains guidance on third party products and does not supersede any guidance given by your third party.

Applies to:

Article ID: 322
Last updated: 12 May, 2014
Revision: 11
Stone Branded Products -> Stone Software Products -> Driver Packs for CC4 -> CC4 Build Process Error Message: 'Action Exception: Abort on Fail - Action "Check Network Connection"'