How to Create a PFX Certificate File from a PEM File

How to Create a PFX Certificate File from a PEM File


Some certificate authorities (such as Let's Encrypt) only supply certificate in the form of a PEM file, which is not usable by many Windows services.

In the case of Let's Encrypt, the PEM file may not have been generated as a part of a certificate signing request.

How to Convert PEM to PFX

.\openssl pkcs12 -export -out result.pfx -inkey mypemfile.pem -in mypemfile.pem

.\openssl pkcs12 -export -out result.pfx -inkey mycsrkeyfile.crt -in mypemfile.cer

Also see here.

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Article ID: 828
Last updated: 14 Dec, 2020
Revision: 1
Third Party Products -> Windows Server -> Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -> How to Create a PFX Certificate File from a PEM File